The C. Superior Court of Justice, at the time of the recent judgment of Special Appeal No. 1,812,780/SC, of rapporteurship of the insignia Minister Benedito Gonçalves, of the 1st Class, confirmed an understanding about the extensive interpretation of the limits of impenhorability provided for in item X of Art. 833 of the CPC15, to extend the protection also for the amounts deposited in a current account or investment fund.
This is an important precedent, although not endowed with binding effectiveness, the highest court in the country with jurisdiction to examine federal infraconstitutional law, understanding that the debtor's values below 40 minimum wages remain protected, even if maintained in other applications or even in the current account, in contrast to the guidance that only the amounts in savings account enjoy such protection (AgInt no REsp n. 1.812.780/SC, rapporteur Minister Benedito Gonçalves, First Class, judged on 5/24/2021, DJe of 5/26/2021 - our griffin)
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